May 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016, Dir. Bryan Singer): While other comic book movies are about the money shots — the effects-laden finales, the showdowns between the high-powered heroes and the supercharged villains — Fox’s X-Men franchise, particularly the…
Suite Amoricaine (2015, Dir. Pascale Breton): I’ve been to university. I studied geography. I wanted to show this because this is a place that allows us to talk about our…
Trivisa (2016, Dir. Frank Hui, Jevons Au, Vicky Wong): What inspired me was Shakespeare’s Macbeth. And if these three guys hadn’t gone into the restaurant at the same time, it would…
Captain America: Civil War (2016, Dir. The Russo Brothers): When the Marvel cinematic universe kicked into high gear almost a decade ago, few would have predicted that the guy with the…